Category Archives: Exercise 3: 360 studies

Exercise 3: 360 studies.

For this exerise I was asked to choose an expansive landscape where I have a view in all directions.

I decided to draw my Aunts garden. Her home sits on two acres of garden and growing up, this stunning garden was very important to my sisters and I. It felt never ending and we would play for hours getting lost in its sheer expanse. 

I positioned myself in what felt like the middle of the huge garden and turned around on the spot to observe the views around me. I came equipped with a4 paper, a black and yellow biro and some watercolour paint.

I was asked to complete a selection of 15 minute drawings looking in all directions. 

(Admittedly I ended up spending more than 15 minutes on each drawing probably closer to 30 minutes.) 

Below are my drawings.

The first thing I would like to comment on is how originally I felt this garden was nothing but a vast expanse of space, however when really looking at it I realised that it was in fact very busy, with lots going on from every viewpoint, be it an old unused greenhouse, a collapsed brick den or lots of trees, bushes and plants. 

One of the reasons I chose to work in biro was so I wouldn’t get too hung up on any mistakes I make as it is not possible to rub them out, I had to just keep drawing. This was beneficial to me in a timing aspect, however it has also meant that I am not happy with all aspects of my drawings.

I worked predominantly in black line, using mark making to create texture. I tried to highlight lighter areas using my yellow biro and I gave each of my drawings a wash of watercolour to highlight different general areas of colour.

I enjoyed this exercise, not only did it force me to draw quickly, it allowed me to really take in, appreciate and absorb fully the area I was in. This exercise showed me how the landscape view can change by just shifting my viewpoints slightly. Even though My Aunts Garden is big and vast I learnt that by just shifting my viewpoint slightly I could see entire different worlds in this small 360 degree space.  

I am relatively pleased with my drawings however I understand that I have a way to go yet in respect of accuracy with proportions, lighting and perspective. I think I would have been happier with my work if I had spent more time on my drawings and if I had of allowed myself to rub out mistakes or inaccuracies.