Category Archives: Self Assessment

Self Assessment for part 5

  • Demonstration of technical and visual skills- materials, techniques, observational skills, visual awareness, design and compositional skills.

I have demonstrated technical, visual and observational skills throughout part 5 with my wide selection of drawings. I have used a vast amount of materials and I have experimented with different ways of using them. 

I have been inspired by different drawing styles from the diverse selection of artists I have studied and have experimented with the different techniques I have learnt. Including various ways of using line, different tonal techniques including using paint and colour and different ways of using expressive marks. 

I have managed to develop my visual skills towards a final piece and I have explored composition through experimentation with style, angle and space. I have taken into consideration the viewpoint I am drawing from as well as considering light sources.  My drawings also all show atmosphere and narrative.

I have really enjoyed drawing portraits whilst also exploring distortion and reflection and looking at the effects these have on the face and the sitters identity. I am pleased that firstly my portraits look like the people I am drawing and secondly that I have managed to show both reflection and distortion in my drawings. I do understand though that I still have a long way to go in the development of my portrait and figurative drawings. 

  • Quality of outcome- content, application of knowledge, presentation of work in a coherent manner, discernment, conceptualisation of thoughts, communication of ideas.

The quality of my outcomes vary, however they all reflect the application of the knowledge I have learnt and they all communicate my ideas effectively.

Throughout this project I have presented my work in a clear and coherent manner whilst showing my conceptualisation of thoughts and my communication of ideas. This is evidenced through my brainstorms, the progression of my drawings and my learning log. I developed my own body of work in a logical format gaining inspiration from the artists I researched which led to experimental and preliminary drawings. These preliminary drawings gradually led to and informed the development of my final piece. 

  • Demonstration of creativity- imagination, experimentation, invention, development of a personal voice.

Part 5 has really allowed me to be creative in every way possible. Through researching different artists I was able to take inspiration and mix it with my own creativity and imagination and produce and develop my own project and body of work culminating in a final piece and therefore developing my own personal voice. 

I have loved experimenting with different media’s and techniques in the style of the various artists I have explored. I have thoroughly enjoyed taking on board these new drawing styles and experimental works and developing them further.

  • Context reflection- research, critical thinking.

Throughout this project I have thoroughly enjoyed researching a vast selection of contemporary and historical artists and learning how and why they have portrayed distortion and reflection in their own figurative work. I have tried to discuss their work critically and I have tried to put my own work into context by referring to the artists who have inspired me throughout this project. I have tried out new techniques and experimentations based on the artists that have inspired me.

I have used my learning log to record my progress throughout part 5. I have explained my thought process in my learning log in as much detail as I could detailing my ideas and observations.